Monday, September 24, 2007

Why Some Hearing People Still Calling Me Names!

I gotta go now because I am too busy with my full time working schedule! Have a very good week! Shawn


Anonymous said...

Good for you but why point at religion people for saying cuss language. Why dont you point at people Don't point at religion people. All human have strange religions, non religions, jews, muslims, satan workshippers, lovers, haters, crazy people say many bad words. Don't point at religion group.

Anonymous said...

way to go girl! Norma Rae fought for what she believed in and you did too!

FYI my husband attended St Joseph's when he was little. I have heard so many horror stories and I know of many of his friends who have scars and some were suicidal and one did end his life. so, I can see where your engery is coming from. you may email me if you want to talk one on one.

What's important now is you are using ASL and are better at it than when you started. I came from deaf ASL using family but, because I'm HOH and TC during early 70's, my ASL is sometimes PSE. It does not matter, as long as we strive to improve our ASL, that is all that matters! :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE IT!!!!! That is the best one I ever see! I will vote you for U.S. President!!!!! *high five*


ASL Risen said...

Bama Boy,

Yes, likewise (same thing with religious people and non religious people). Thanks. Shawn

ASL Risen said...

Hi The Critic,

Would like very much talk with you but I do not have your email addy. Yes, I wish that I could learn ASL when I was a baby so I can have better advance English writing and reading skills.

Yes, I have 5 friends from SJI who were committed sucide. That was so painful and hurt. Shawn

ASL Risen said...

Bug! I would NOT be interested to run for President because I will have BIG HEADACHE to take care of messy Iraq war!

Anonymous said...

When I leave comment, I put in my email address, so you can't see that? I wouldn't want to announce my email in, not sure how to get it over to you. Curious, what years were u at St Joe's?

I know u responded to one of my post months ago, I'll see if your email is there.

ASL Risen said...

Hi The Critic again!

Yes, I do understand what you mean! I want to suggest you that you may want to send your personal email to ASLisRisen on this copied and pasted video tube link:

So you can see "Connect with ASLisRisen" then click on "Send Message"... It may work out for you unless if you sign up on Video Tube Link for free members to all of us.. Thanks so much for your comments.. Shawn

Deaf Dixie said...

I like your guts!!! Go Norma Go!!!

ASL Risen said...

Big Hallo Deaf Dixie!
LOL you silly but I tried my best to balance my working full time schedule and being a mom of my 2 boys! It is REALLY HARD LIFE! Smile and thanks, Shawn

Anonymous said...

Im glad you spoke out for what you believe in but what have that got to do with the topic "Why Some Hearing People Still Calling Me Names!" You and Deaf worker were not happy because of no interpreter. You made the comment about religious people cussing. Those are not relevant topic... what is your point?

ASL Risen said...

Anon at 3:47 PM,

Thanks for your comments. It was from a commenter on one of Deaf blogger stated that hearing people do not use cussing or cursing words. I am aware of both religious and non-religious cursing, the speaker’s words invoke harm upon another from this copied and pasted link:
