Thursday, August 09, 2007

“Deaf” Jerry Springer Talk Show about "Deaf Wedding Planner" Reviews

(7 minutes & 10 seconds video clip)

Hey “Deaf” Jerry Springer where he could bring two sides of stories to audience! I am a straight married woman. I wanted to express my own thoughts! Don't I have a right to have "Freedom of Speech (or Express)"??? We the parents are responsible to educate our children to learn how to stop the "Hate Crimes" from anywhere.

Thank you, Blueapplefilms (Gary Brooks) for your wonderful "Deaf Culture" entertainment! We need to learn from our own Deaf Culture too but not only "hearing culture" entertainment! We need to be more inclusive!!!

About NEA (National Education Assocation) Safe Schools for Everyone
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Students on this link:

Should we watch out and read about HIA (Hearing Industry Association) working close with ASHA (America Speech Hearing Association) on the Capitol Hill from on those links????:



Okay now I respect few of the vloggers who wanted to keep the comments be open to the public from my vlog and I understand that we have to learn how to FACE the criticisms from the "Anonymous" commenters in our lifetime until we die on this earth.

Enjoy your weekend!!! Shawn

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Wonder about DBC's Flyers????

(under 4 minutes video clip)

I did watched Shrimpy's video clip called "Response to ASL MUSIC (B.A.B)" on her vlog link:

And wow very hot interesting issues from ASL Music's vlog link:

I want to thank both Shrimpy and ASL Music for their awsome hard working to express their thoughts and perspective!!!

Just wondering myself if the DBC will be okay for some of us to post that DBC's flyer on the bulletin board at food shoppings, public library, some stores, and anywhere nearest by the hospitals and Deaf Oral Schools??? Or what????!!!! Or should we wait until later after the DBC's decisions first????

Hey Deaf Columbia, Missouri... Someone told me there is possibly will be 5 (five Deaf Oral School) here in Missouri but I do not buy from that hearing person who did informed me... Please do check out the new Deaf Oral School called "Moog" just moved to 3301 West Broadway... Is it much more bigger school building than the old Moog's school on 600 Silvey Road????

Boy, it's SO HOT weather outside! I missed my cool early morning long walk today!!! I better do my indoor work out from my watching at least 6 minutes on Blueapplefilms' vlog called "Everybody Love ASL!!!!" and then will do 30 more minutes workout before jumping myself in the shower!!!!

Hope you will have a very NICE day and take it easy with the HOT weather!!! Shawn

Monday, August 06, 2007

Come Meet Gary Brooks & Keith Wann St. Louis!

Please pardon me for watching too many times from Gary Brook's vlog: Everybody Love ASL!!!! or this link:

My CODA, DODA sons, my Deaf husband and I are looking forward to meet Gary Brooks and Keith Wann here in St. Louis on Sept 27 to 30, 2007!

Come one! Come all! Show Me Deaf Film Festival!

Thanks, Shawn

Sunday, August 05, 2007

Something Happen In Gallaudet's Cochlear Implant Survey Committee????

1 minute and 2 seconds Video Clip was filmed last August 03, 2007, 06:02 AM (Friday morning) was already reported to make my comment on this link:

That was happening from Gallaudet's Cochlear Implant Survey Committee after I King Jordan became President of Gallaudet in 1988. The Gallaudet Cochlear Implant Survey Committee did quit after they throw the "negative survey form papers" in the trash. Some of us are concerned to know why they, the Gallaudet's Cochlear Implant Survey Committe were not in good team work to respect Deaf community around the global world to become more healthier teamwork and leaderships????

Thanks. Shawn