Sunday, January 27, 2008

I Support Education Needs for the Mutes!

Sorry that I am not in the mood to make subtitling today video because it will gulped my time and I need to enjoy my day before go work. And also I need to apologize for my yesterday subtitle video that I didn't give my info about my researching the SJI History since I already know that St. Louis was French and Spanish before it was American :

Sisters of St. Joseph's History for the nuns' MISSION PLANS to set up more MEDICATION (more Hospitals) and education (schools) all over USA Links:



3. I learned something that related from French and Spainish here in St. Louis History before become Americans as the same problem in Le Puy-en-Velay had been the center of Marian pilgrimages since early medieval times and a crossroads for the exchange of culture between Catholic France and Muslim Spain from the first paragraph on 2nd sentences on this blog link:


Pray and hope you all will have a very good RELAXING day!


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your sharing. Good job

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your sharing. GOOD JOB

Coach Creech said...

That's interesting.. I can tell the way your working your researching lately, you kiss-fist history? :-) If you do, we are in the same boat! :-)