Friday, March 16, 2007

We Must Stop the Hate Crimes from IKJ and IKJ's BoT!

It is time to stop the Hate Crimes from IKJ and IKJ's BoT! IKJ had been brownosing since he got a job as teaching psychology at Gallaudet and also he was an head of Psychology Dept at Gallaudet and he was a president at Gallaudet in 1988. He had been messing up the Deaf communities and our mental health! (pls pardon for my error signing for "psychology" but IKJ and IKJ's BoT do still bothered my mind for too long time!)

When will Ken Levinson be out of BoT at Gallaudet? Ken Levinson had already learned how to be brownosing from the AG Bell's oppressing against ASL! Ken Levinson had been twice created the stigma against the whole deaf community without any apology! This is happening at Deaf Oral Schools that teach us how to use "Favorisms" which it is called "Hate Crime" by rejecting some of us the Deaf who have language delayed because we had not learn ASL for so many years!

Wondering about Dr. Barry Bergen? Is he taking over a Chair of History/Government at Gallaudet? Go read on this link:

IKJ and IKJ's BoT are NOT GOOD for our Deaf communities and our mental health! We must stop their hate crimes by moving on to preserve our ASL Studies/Deaf History and Government! We need to learn more ASL and save ASL to prevent the carpal tunnel syndrome and the Hate Crimes!

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Who to Tell that We Want Safe Deaf Education?

Is Oral Deaf Education control more dangerous than it has to be?

It could be, if taking oral deaf education alone! How can we tell the Affordable Housing Assistance Program (AHAP) or Missouri Housing Development Corporation that you want only the safest Deaf Education place for the Deaf children and community!

These oral deaf education contain develop oral language and speech without the use of sign language called oppression, which doubles the risk of life-threatening mental health compared the Left Behind Deaf mainstream education students and independent adult lives that do not contain this Deaf community opportunity.

Yet these alone oral deaf education schools are no more effective at preventing sign language than others on the education market. So why are the oral deaf education being programed in only oral language and speech without the use of sign language that could harm our healthy mental Deaf communities for no reason? Are we supposed to learn how to oppress or use the hate crimes on some of each other the Deaf who failed in language development by one of the SJI's 6 Programs: Help children develop oral language and speech without the use of sign language? Please do go read on one of the 6 SJI's Programs' link:

Should we be aware of how to urge the AHAP (is there any Bush's Administration for AHAP) to protect the Safest Place for Deaf Education and ban the money donation or ban the TAX CREDITS from that the oral deaf education, St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf???

How can we contact the Affordable Housing Assistance Program (AHAP) that is a tax credit program of the Missouri Housing Development Corporation to REMOVE the Tax Credits from the Not Safe Healthy Mental Oral Deaf Education Place, St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf?

While the absolute risks we're talking about may be relatively low, they're also completely unnecessary. And these oral deaf education are so widely used in the U.S. alone - that any increased risk of offer daily speech-language instruction or speech-language therapy without use of sign language for every Deaf student should NOT be ignored.

These oral deaf education threaten mental health without providing any increased benefit over other available sign language. How can we contact the right person who is in charge of AHAP to ban the Tax Credits in Not Safe Healthy Mental Deaf Oral Education- inform our call and know you want only the safest Deaf Education Place for the Healthy Mental Deaf Children and community will be greatly apprecated?

And why does the AHAP continue to ignore evidence that these Oral Deaf Education St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf hurt the Left Behind Deaf Students and Deaf community Mental Health and family problems?

We need to learn how to demand that the Bush's Adminstration called AHAP to ban the money donation or REMOVE the Tax Credits from the oral deaf education, St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf!

Please pardon me for not taking US Government Studies due to my failure student when I was in a mainstream high school education due to St. Joseph Institute for the Deaf nuns, teachers and staff did ordered and advised my parents for banning me to use educational interpreter!

Sorry no time vlogging myself this time. Too many activities for my 2 kids now in this spring time! Thanks for your understanding my busy full time working mother role!

Respectfully ASL Yours, SKE