Saturday, October 13, 2007

Need Advise For Full Time Working Parents of Deaf Babies NOW!

I did took advise from my vidoe tube fans comments to force myself to work on this Subtitle video from my 4 months ago video clip with no subtile on this link:

About time that I am done with my subtitling from Overstream but I do NOT know how to download that subtitling and then feed on video tube with subtitling?? Huh???

Bye, have a very good day. I need to get some rest before go to work. Peace and hugs, Shawn

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Silence = Death !!!! It's Time To Tell !!!

You are receiving this message as a fellow supporter of survivors of all forms of child abuse. I found your (Shawn's) email address by searching websites which address the issue of child abuse - but this is by no means spam or generated automatically!

Catharsis Foundation is trying to reach survivors of all forms of child abuse and requests your assistance.

We only wish to be of supportive service to survivors (entirely free) and to encourage survivors TO TELL
(tell authorities, tell in a book, tell someone close - but don't keep the secret) because telling stops abusers from hurting more children!

However, reaching survivors is a challenging task - which is why your help would be extremely appreciated! If you are able to help us reach survivors of all forms of child abuse - either by email, a link on your website, information in a newsletter or by any other means available to you, we would be extremely grateful.

Please feel free to check out our services at It is, and always will be, a work-in-progress as we grow to meet the needs and requests of survivors - suggestions are welcomed!

However, if you prefer to never receive another email from Catharsis Foundation, please reply to this message with REMOVE or NO THANKS and your email address will be removed immediately! Also, please forgive me if you accidentally receive this email more than once.
It is not our intention to irritate or anger anyone - only to help!

Very Sincerely,

Catharsis Foundation

"It's Time To Tell!"
Books By & For Survivors & Supporters of Survivors:
More information about these books is located at
Add your book at

(Catharsis Foundation only promotes books written by, and for, survivors of child abuse.)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Stop the Lies! End Aerial Gunning of Wolves!

Shawn's short note: (That is disgusting and confusing example of why do they want to use the wolves' ASL PAWS??? It made me so SICK and CONFUSE from reading on down below that someone who did sent email to me this morning!)

It's simply outrageous. Alaska Governor Sarah Palin has signed off on a $400,000 state-funded propaganda campaign to justify the state's barbaric wolf slaughter from the skies.
Why? Because Governor Palin and her political cronies in the state legislature are afraid that Alaskans will vote - once again - to end the brutal, unfair and unnecessary aerial gunning program.
Urge Governor Palin to stop the lies and end aerial gunning of wolves!
Alaska is truly our nation's last frontier. It is also the last place in the U.S. where a few hunters still use aircraft to chase and kill wolves. They shoot these animals from the air or chase them to exhaustion before landing and shooting them point blank.
Our partners at Defenders of Wildlife have made tremendous progress in Alaska recently - with the help of citizens like you, they stopped Alaska's grisly bounty proposal for wolf paws and blocked Governor Palin's plan to allow the use of helicopters to kill hundreds of wolves.
Now we need to counter Alaska's misinformation campaign. Please sign our petition today and urge Governor Palin to stop allowing trophy hunters to gun down Alaska's wolves.
Thank you for all that you do to protect wolves,
Rebecca YoungCare2 and ThePetitionSite Team

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Are some of us "Guinea Pigs" before the Cochlear Implant invented?

I was so FASCINATING and learn alot from Deafmom3's ASL video link:

Is that how some of us former Deaf catholic and non catholic students as "GUINEA PIGS" as some of the Catholic nuns took advantage of the Bible under Mark 7: 1-31 while abusing some of us did tried and struggled learning how to ENJOY read and write for so many years????

Sunday, October 07, 2007

My Reading Skills Level Low on Bible?????

Here's the transcript on below: