Saturday, August 04, 2007

Still War for Oralism VS ASL ????

Video clip (2 minutes & 4 seconds)

Here's the picture of Laurent Clerc (born Louis Laurent Marie Clerc) was born December 26, 1785. He should become St. Laurent Clerc! So we should be off from work on every Dec. 26 as "Holiday with paid" as Clerc has been called "The Apostle of the Deaf in America" and "The Father of the Deaf" by generations of American d/Deaf people!

For Concern ASL Bible Lovers:

There's a book called "GERMANY AND THE HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE" written by Gerald Flurry, J. Tim Thompson and Stephen Flurry. Here's the link:

Many people are aware of the atrocities committed by Germany in World War ii, but would consider them ancient history. These people are completely unaware of the legacy which Adolf Hitler drew upon in creating his Nazi war machine. His was merely the latest resurrec­tion of a war-making empire with a long and bloody history. Did you know that the Bible prophesied of his regime—as well as the terrible emergence of one last resurrection in our day?

It is time we need to build more STRONGER DEAF FORT to protect and gaurd ASL for our future Deaf Children generations! Thanks, Shawn

Monday, July 30, 2007

Children and DBC 's Peaceful Demonstration at AGBAD Inspired Me!

(view on 7 minutes video clip)

JohnABC, thank you so much for accepting my vlog, yesterday! You ARE NOT ALONE! We, the Deaf Advocates need to be educated how to "BE ALWAYS COOL" whenever there are Deaf against Deaf, too! (Some of us, Deaf Advocates were already victims from some Deaf back stabbings,too just like hearings backstabbings on other hearings, too! There are some Deaf Oralists against some Deaf Oralists too!) Thank you so much for your response and shared your v-blog link:

We (I need) Brianna, AV-Anthony, Mark's 2 children and Jehanne to educate us how to be PEACEFUL Demonstration before we go Milwaukee, Wisconsin next year!

My opinion: YES we should go ahead to have PEACEFUL demonstration in AGBAD at Milwaukee, Wisconsin!

Of course, I will not give up myself for advocating the DBC while there are too much Deaf against Deaf. I know that someone did used White Ghost's name! But I cannot accept bad words on my vlog's comment.. Sorry!!!

Thanks so much for all who involved in last weekend with the PEACEFUL protest at AGBAD! (including vloggers, bloggers and reports from email!)


Sunday, July 29, 2007

WHAT John ABC the Always Be Cool!!!

(View on my under one minute video clip)

I was so disgusted to read what John, ABC (Always Be Cool)'s comment on "This Is Only The Beginning!" from Ricky Taylor's blog! You can go find Ricky Taylor's title "This Is Only The Beginning" from the Deafread!

I don't understand what's going on with John, the ABC! I will lose my motivation skills from advocating for the Deaf children's sakes!!! It will be a waste of time from the beginning for the DBC (Deaf Bilingual Coaltion)!!! I am so impressed with the DBC's and Amy Cohen-Efron's hard work!!!

I am taking a long break from my vlog because I am feeling so DISGUSTED!

Thanks for your understanding! Shawn