(7 minutes & 10 seconds video clip)
Hey “Deaf” Jerry Springer where he could bring two sides of stories to audience! I am a straight married woman. I wanted to express my own thoughts! Don't I have a right to have "Freedom of Speech (or Express)"??? We the parents are responsible to educate our children to learn how to stop the "Hate Crimes" from anywhere.
Thank you, Blueapplefilms (Gary Brooks) for your wonderful "Deaf Culture" entertainment! We need to learn from our own Deaf Culture too but not only "hearing culture" entertainment! We need to be more inclusive!!!
About NEA (National Education Assocation) Safe Schools for Everyone
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Transgendered Students on this link: http://www.nea.org/schoolsafety/glbt.html
Should we watch out and read about HIA (Hearing Industry Association) working close with ASHA (America Speech Hearing Association) on the Capitol Hill from on those links????:
1. http://www.audiologyonline.com/theHearingJournal/pdfs/HJ2002_05_pg19.pdf
2. http://www.drf.org/hearing_health/archive/2003/winter03_championHHcaphill.htm
Okay now I respect few of the vloggers who wanted to keep the comments be open to the public from my vlog and I understand that we have to learn how to FACE the criticisms from the "Anonymous" commenters in our lifetime until we die on this earth.
Enjoy your weekend!!! Shawn