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That's why I had to hold on by not donating my money to NAD from CFC while I am too busy full time working mom and still confused about the NAD's system problems.... Thanks for your understanding, NAD...
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Any medication including cochlear implants will NOT CURE Autism!!! Too much distracting noises from enviroment will not help the children with Autism paying attention to teachers... Preferrably silence or one on one face to face will help the children with Autism more enjoyable to learn in classroom... Plus also they with the Autism have misunderstood language development too much or language delayed..
So far there are parents of Deaf Mainstream children that have other disabilities DID NOT SHOW UP at morning and night workshops! I am not going to waste my BREATH by advocating for Parents of Deaf MAINSTREAM Children that have other disabilities because I already know that they did dumped them to mainstream public school from Deaf Oral education... Then they dumped them to America Schools of the Deaf... Why WASTE of time for Deaf Schools RAs and Teachers have to start all over educating to the new Deaf students???? See I am a full time working mom and did go workshop. I won't share more info about Autism to the Parents of Deaf mainstream students that have other extra disabilities because I do NOT WANT TO waste my breath.. Thanks for your understanding. I need to sign off my PC because I need to enjoy my day outside with a very beautiful weather since I had been working for another straight 9 days.
Oh forgot to tell you that MSD football team won the game and I wanted to tell the Ohio School for the Deaf football team that they did great job at the football game too!!! WOW, OSD's football team did GOOD JOB!!! I did enjoyed watching the football game!!! HOT EXCITING GAME!!!
ASL Respectfully Yours, Shawn
Hello Shawn,
I watched one of the show that Jenny McCartney was there to talk about her son having autism. She found that by having the appropriate diet and food for her son, her son now does not have autistic. She said something about gluten that causes children having audism. I am sure you may want to check it out online.
I enjoyed your vlog.
Autism in itself became more widespread known only in last few years and more details are still coming out.
In Utah, the doctors are using new revised tests that can identify autism as early as 18 months old now. That doctor you spoke of - is way way behind!
As for Parents of Deaf Children with other Disabilities - this is relatively new trend in last 10-15 years, largely due to drug abuse or spouse abuse or whatever.
ASDC - American Society for Deaf Children (unless they changed the name) handles this while NAD handles the Education rights overall, not limited to the specific other disabilities. Deaf rights is the paramount first.
As for apparent lack of publicity - it is incumbent upon the workshop presenters to do good publicity job.
And Asperger's Syndrome does not have any exclusive claim upon the deaf. - Angelman's Syndrome does as well as Prader-Willi Syndrome
and PDD-NOS and CDD.
Fret not - some of the autistic children are strong in disciplines like science, mathematics, engineering and computer programming (key word - NUMBERS)
Alfred Einstein is suspected of having Asperger's Syndrome.
Great discussion! I wish my department would discuss deaf issues. I have seen another blog at is like your opinion.
Hello.. I am deaf mother that have deaf,down syndrome and adhd son.. I have no idea about the workshop.. Maybe they may have no clue about the information for the parents.. It depends on if they knew the workshop or not. But I am from VA.
Good post Shawn, and a good message too... I am puzzled that the doctor said he would not diagnose a child with autism before 6 years of age... That is 6 years TOO LATE... You cannot lose so much valuable time with a child... There are many excellent resources in Missouri, including the Thompson Center in Columbia (a national leader in Autism research)... Also check out
There are many other excellent places for information - and they do not wait til 6 years of age -- families and schools MUST start as early as possible to teach children with Autism (same as Deaf kids - we can't wait til 6 or 7 years old before we teach ASL)...
Barry Critchfield - Missouri Dept of Mental Health
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