Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Are some of us "Guinea Pigs" before the Cochlear Implant invented?

I was so FASCINATING and learn alot from Deafmom3's ASL video link: http://asl.deafvideo.tv/watch/3015

Is that how some of us former Deaf catholic and non catholic students as "GUINEA PIGS" as some of the Catholic nuns took advantage of the Bible under Mark 7: 1-31 while abusing some of us did tried and struggled learning how to ENJOY read and write for so many years????


mishkazena said...

Perhaps other students felt powerless. How could they interfere when they were at the nuns' mercy as these nuns were their authority figures, too?

You may not realize this.. Even if the other students weren't abused, they were affected by witnessing the nuns abusing the other students. They may be carrying emotional scars from being in an abusive environment where their friends were constantly abuses. They may not have been 'ignoring and pretending everything is ok'. They may have been terrified inside.

Maybe you could contact them and talk with them about these days at the Catholic School. Their responses may surprise you, who knows?

Kim said...

Dear Shawn!
Thanks for sharing your thoughts on my Vlog, it made my day!
God created you for a purpose even through your life at the Catholic school was hard. Yet, it shaped you into a stronger person with advanced knowledge of the realities in those kind of Deaf programs. While I experienced somewhat similar as yours for only few years at my Deaf school (Oral approach till 1975ish). I experienced abuse, oppressions and denials to my needs. Then my Deaf school changed to Total Communication..however, it's not the best answer for many of my school peers. Pray to God for your 'let-it-go' feelings with the hardship at that school and move on. You do your best in sharing your personal experiences via Vlogs, and so forth. In the Bible, there are so many people who had terrible hardships, especially Job. God has the reason for everyone, and we need to trust him. In turn, God will take care of us.
Internet as my Best Friend - Yes, I did say that. I enjoy surfing the websites with "caution" mode - there are many inappropriate websites (with wrong information, New Age views, Pagan's , and many more...) It's inpretive for you to check your Bible and see if it's same (not for word to word - concept) on the websites. And see if the website is with Church, Missionaries, Pastor, etc.. There are Churches that do not follow Bible, like JW, LDS, and etc..
Ask God to fill your heart with holy spirit, and you will be able to feel if this website is good or not. It helps me greatly ~ Pray before you get on-line, and search for the information.
I'm delighted to see you curious about Christianity.. Catholic has long, long and unfortuanetly ugly history. BUT there are countless service Catholics did for the world.. We need to remember that. When you study Bible, history .. understand the human nature, it will become more clear. We can continue dialogue via Vlogs with Deaf Insight, Deaf Flower, and others.
For Christ, Kim

Deaf258 said...

Sorry, no Bible here with me, but what's Mark 7: 1-31?

ASL Risen said...

Good morning Deaf258,

You can try type "Bible Mark 7 1-37 on google to search on the internet.. Thanks, Shawn

ASL Risen said...

Kim, Wow thank you so much for sharing your experience! Yes TRUE that there were some oppressions everywhere like jobs and education!

Yes, I do really enjoyed Christianity on the internet while I am a full time mom and work night shift hours! Boy I certainly miss my boys but I won't give up my prayers to ask God to get me back to first shift hours so I can enjoy supper time with my family... Geez, my senority list is way too low and perhaps will take me too long time to get back on first shift hours after my 2 boys were full grown up!!! Time zooms!!

Support ASL with Christ in Peace and Hugs, Shawn

ASL Risen said...


I know what you mean but that depends on those former students who had been already as "favorism" and took advantage of some nuns who did abused some of us. I just do NOT see there are some respects while we some former student who had been experienced from some nuns abused us. Some of us did respect but got no respect from them who did not get abuse from nuns.

That's difference. Hard to explain! Thanks, Shawn

ASL Risen said...


Oh one more thing, I forgot to add that copy and paste from Deaf Vlog link:


So you can stroll down and see on his right column and explain about Mark 7 1-37 down there. OK? Have fun! Shawn