Saturday, June 16, 2007

Deaf Mom Stands Firm to Request Archbishop Burke to RESIGN!

Below is the information I submitted:
Mrs. Shawn Elfrink

Dear Archbishop Burke -
Blindcopied: Deaf Missouri Advocates
CC: St. Louis Post Newspaper Editors
CC: The Polish Heritage Center, Saint Stanislaus’ Parish Staff
CC: Honorable Missouri Governor Blunt
CC: 2 Missouri US Senators (both Republic and Democrat US Senates)
CC: 1 US Missouri Congressman
CC: Missouri Senator
CC: Missouri House Rep
Blindcopied: Deaf and Hearing Catholic Missouri members
Blindcopied: (National-USA and International Global) Deaf community

Archbishop Burke, I am standing firm to request you resign immediately for the best future St. Louis Community.. I do not see any more respect here Deaf St. Louis Community. Of course we do need to have good leadership and teamwork model role. Please do go view on my 4 minutes google video link:

Archbishop Burke, please do consider yourself to resign and leave (get out) from here St. Louis community and state of Missouri.. This will be very blessing appreciated for you to resign and get out of here state of Missouri.. We need healthy, understanding and better attitude archbishop and leader here in St. Louis Catholic Community.

Archbishop Burke, St. Louis Post Newspaper Editors, Saint Stanislaus’ Parish Staff, and hearing Catholic members, please do contact me if you need to understand from my 4 minutes video clip, I will be so happy to give you a list of qualified certifed ASL (American Sign Language) Interpreters so you can contact them by through via phone.

St. Louis Post Dispatch Editors, you can have my permission to send my email to Sheryl Crow. I feel that she is so wonderful mom of new adoption baby!

Respectfully yours, Shawn (dosen't matter both Republican and Democrat because I prefer to vote for RIGHT person who can be good leader for the State of Missouri)


OCDAC said...

Of course He's and any priest would want line their pockets with rich people. He has to schmooze them to keep his church afloat. The only valid reason to boot the feller off is if hed dome inappropriate things to kids or did not properly manage priests who did the same thing.

Leadership is an art. Some people see him as a pile of manure while others see him as a golden statue.

Anonymous said...

I am rooting for you. We all need to be respected for WHO we are! That means no bullying, disrespecting and rejecting deaf people who use sign language. Have you tried to meet Archbishop Burke to discuss your concerns about his behavior toward deaf people? I pray for the positive outcome for you and deaf people in your area.

ASL Risen said...

OCDAC, thanks for your comment.

Concerned, I did tried email to Archbishop Burke several times but he do not even bother to cooperated with us, all including hearing and Deaf St. Louis Catholic members by ignoring our phone calls and email.. That is Archbishop Burke's style to find his own excuses himself that he is ALWAYS BUSY with his own preferrable schedule! He is the one who taught us with his own bully attitudes and bully behaviors. He has his own problems that have never resolve St. Louis Catholic Community. Right now we are DIVIDED St. Louis Catholic Community.

Anonymous said...


Walk with a picket, "Resign,
Archibishop Burke," around newspaper and TV metwork buildings.
That would draw the media's attention. Also send a CC to Pope
Benedict, Vatican City, Italy.

Anonymous said...

Here is where numbers can help you. Get the hearing members of your congregation to join with you and other Deaf families to make demands for changes and refocus on priorities that you want.

The deaf ASL community is so small compared to the hearing that they are easily ignored. Add to your numbers!

Anonymous said...

For your information, Catholic church is not the way to Heaven...Read Acts 4:12 Why dont you find a better church where God's words are taught? It will solve your problem. :)

Jesus Christ's ambassdor

Anonymous said...

This is the same guy who issued a FATWA against John Kerry in 2004, saying he would not offer him Communion and threatened to EXCOMMUNICATE any area priest that offered him Communion.

Not offering a fellow Catholic a SACRAMENT based on their political beliefs makes him a DANGEROUS, Theocratic CRANK. How long until he gives a political litmus test to the whole St. Louis Catholic Community? I hope the Vatican would remove him or at least promote him into a position where he could no longer be a divisive figure, potentially driving Catholics away from the Church.

– Ken Rose

ASL Risen said...

Ken Rose,

You are right that he, the Archbishop is still play political around here in Missouri. I guess that church are still playing political games.

Look at Bush was in Vatican to visit a Pope recently.

ASL Risen said...

I found 2 links that I know that the Catholic leaders are not alone religion around the world..

1. Please do go read a Jewish Rabbi Elan Adler on Sex Crimes in Baltimore, MD at the article from this blog link (pls do go copy and paste) :

2. And also there is another article for you to read "Finally! Some statistics on sexual abuse occurrances in other religions. What took them so long?" from this blog link (pls do copy and paste):

Figured out that we all do not have some (not all) good different kinds of relgious leaders and somepublic school educatiors who do not know how to respect and take care of any community around this global world without having good teamwork.. Alone leader cannot do good job without teamwork!

Have a good day! PEACE!

Anonymous said...

I do not believe in everything you said because you do not have article or anything to support your tales. Lots people are against conservative Catholics such as Burke wants to find ways to banish him from Catholic.

He's against poor and middle classes people? I don't buy that! You can't fire Burke by petition or protests... You can report it to Vatican and they will launch investigation but such claims as you made on video doesn't convince me any further, so does Vatican, unless you have hard evidence.

I recall that Burke threatens to excommunicate any priests who would give communion to John Kerry. Because John Kerry staunchly pro-abortion and Catholic doctrines do clearly are against killing of any life such as war, abortion, genoicide, etc...

I believe any leadership have the right to admonish anyone who clearly strays from the Catholic doctrine.